Soccer Results

Current sports results of all leagues and tournaments in Soccer Results.

The results overview is sorted by league and country, world cup, european cups and other tournaments
The Standings for running games of Soccer matches you will find in the live Scores or in Soccer live Ticker.
Category Soccer Results includes a search function for special games: Soccer Games,
You may also search for older results: Soccer 72h and Soccer 48h and Soccer 3 Days and Soccer 4 Days
Other leagues and tournaments in alphabetic order : Soccer Results Overview

More Soccer Livescores and Scores to other Leagues in our Liveticker.

Date : 02/2025

Sport Country Country search League newest Result
Soccer Portugal --- 2nd Division Zona Centro ---
Soccer Portugal --- Taca da Liga 3. Round Gr.D 27/09/23
Soccer Portugal --- Carlsberg Cup 3.Round Gr.C 27/09/23
Soccer Portugal --- Taca de Liga 1. Round Gr.D ---
Soccer Portugal --- 2nd Division Zona Sul ---
Soccer Portugal --- Taca de Liga 1. Round Gr.B ---
Soccer Portugal --- Liga Orangina 18/08/24
Soccer Portugal --- Carlsberg Cup 2.Round Gr.E ---
Soccer Portugal --- Carlsberg Cup 2.Round Gr.A ---
Soccer Portugal --- Carlsberg Cup 2.Round Gr.B ---
Soccer Portugal --- Taca de Liga 1. Round Gr.C ---
Soccer Portugal --- Taca de Liga 1/8 Finals ---
Soccer Portugal --- Juniores U19 Championship Group 01/02/25
Soccer Portugal --- Carlsberg Cup 2.Round Gr.F ---
Soccer Portugal --- Juniores U19 Relegation 01/02/25
Soccer Portugal --- Super Taca 03/08/24
Soccer Portugal --- Liga Zon Sagres 05/01/25
Soccer Portugal --- Carlsberg Cup 2.Round Gr.C ---
Soccer Portugal --- Carlsberg Cup 2.Round Gr.D ---
Soccer Portugal --- Juniores U19 Sul Relegation 01/02/25
Soccer Results Austria Austria 2. Landesliga West ---
Soccer Austria --- Regional League West ---
Soccer Austria --- First League Relegation ---
Soccer Austria --- Stiegl Cup 02/02/25
Soccer Austria --- 2. Landesliga Ost 17/11/24
Soccer Austria --- First League ---
Soccer Austria --- Landesliga Ost ---
Soccer Austria --- Regional League Middle ---
Soccer Austria --- Regional League East ---
Soccer Austria --- Landesliga West ---
Soccer Austria --- Bundesliga Championship Round 05/05/24
Soccer Austria --- Bundesliga ---
Soccer Results UEFA UEFA Champions League 1/4 Final ---
Soccer UEFA --- Champions League Women Quarter Finals ---
Soccer UEFA --- UEFA Cup 2. Qualification 1. Leg ---
Soccer UEFA --- UEFA Cup 2. Qualification 2. Leg ---
Soccer UEFA --- Champions League Women Semi Finals ---
Soccer UEFA --- Champions League Final ---
Soccer UEFA --- European League Group L ---
Soccer UEFA --- European League Group K ---

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