Current Sports Schedules all leagues and tournaments :Snooker Schedules.
The schedules vverview sorted by country and league matches, World Cup, EC and other Cups and Tournaments.
The current standings for running Snooker games you will find here: live Scores or in the Snooker live Ticker list.
In the category Snooker Schedules included a extented search function for matches : Snooker Games,
Also you may view future match schedules: Snooker 72h and Snooker 48h and Snooker 3 Days and Snooker 4 Days
For canceled or postponed games please see here: Postponed and canceledSnooker Matches
Date: 01/2025
Sport | Country | Country search | League | newest Match Date |
Snooker | Schedules World Cup | World Cup | Snooker WC | Season not activ |
Snooker | Schedules International | International | Championship League | 11.01.25 |
Snooker | International | --- | Indian Open | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Champion of Champions | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Riga Masters | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Paul Hunter Classic | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | European Master | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | English Open | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | China Championship | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Scottish Open | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Gibraltar Open | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Romanian Masters | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Shoot out | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Tour Championship | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | 6 Red World Champioship | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | WST Pro Series | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | International Championship | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Wuxi Classic | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Northern Ireland Trophy | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Grand Prix | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | UK Championship | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | The Masters | 19.01.25 |
Snooker | International | --- | Malta Cup | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Welsh Open | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | China Open | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Shanghai Master | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Bahrain Snooker Championship | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | German Master | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Australian Goldfields Open | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Brazil Master | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | Premier League | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | World Open | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | PTC Grand Final | Season not activ |
Snooker | International | --- | British Open | Season not activ |