Current Sports Schedules all leagues and tournaments :Handball Schedules.
The schedules vverview sorted by country and league matches, World Cup, EC and other Cups and Tournaments.
The current standings for running Handball games you will find here: live Scores or in the Handball live Ticker list.
In the category Handball Schedules included a extented search function for matches : Handball Games,
Also you may view future match schedules: Handball 72h and Handball 48h and Handball 3 Days and Handball 4 Days
For canceled or postponed games please see here: Postponed and canceledHandball Matches
More leagues and tournaments in alphabetic order : Handball Schedules Overview
Date: 02/2025
Sport | Country | Country search | League | newest Match Date |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Women Qualification Gr.7 | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Women Group B | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Qualification Phase 1 Playoffs | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Qualification Phase 1 Gr.C | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Women Qualification Gr.2 | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Women Qualification Gr.5 | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Women Qualification Gr.6 | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Group F | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | U20 European Championship Men Group C | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Final | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Semi Finals | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Women Qualification Gr.4 | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Women Qualification Gr.3 | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | EC Place Matches | Season not activ |
Handball | European Championship | --- | Handball EC Qualification | Season not activ |
Handball | Schedules World Cup | World Cup | WC Women Qualification Preliminary Stage | 12.04.25 |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.3 | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | World Championships Quali Group 5 | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | World Championships Quali Group 6 | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Quarterfinals | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.M2 | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.M1 | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Women Presidents Cup Gruppe 2 | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | World Championships Quali Group 4 | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.F | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Women Presidents Cup Gruppe 4 | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Semi Finals | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Women Presidents Cup Gruppe 3 | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Women Presidents Cup Gruppe 1 | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.F Women | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.E Women | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.E | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Quarter Finals Women | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.2 Women | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.1 Women | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.D Women | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.C Women | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.B Women | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Gr.A Women | Season not activ |
Handball | World Cup | --- | Handball WC Final | Season not activ |