Current sports results of all leagues and tournaments in Floorball Results.
The results overview is sorted by league and country, world cup, european cups and other tournaments
The Standings for running games of Floorball matches you will find in the live Scores or in Floorball live Ticker.
Category Floorball Results includes a search function for special games: Floorball Games,
You may also search for older results: Floorball 72h and Floorball 48h and Floorball 3 Days and Floorball 4 Days
Other leagues and tournaments in alphabetic order : Floorball Results Overview
More Floorball Livescores and Scores to other Leagues in our Liveticker.
Date : 02/2025
Sport | Country | Country search | League | newest Result |
Floorball | Results Sweden | Sweden | Swedish Superleague | --- |
Floorball | Sweden | --- | Elitserien Damer Playoffs | 27/04/24 |
Floorball | Sweden | --- | Swedish Superleague Qualification | 17/04/24 |
Floorball | Sweden | --- | Swedish Superleague Women Qualification | 14/04/24 |
Floorball | Sweden | --- | Elitserien Damer | --- |
Floorball | Sweden | --- | Allsvenskan Qualification | --- |
Floorball | Sweden | --- | Allsvenskan Södra | --- |
Floorball | Sweden | --- | Swedish Superleague Playoffs | 27/04/24 |
Floorball | Sweden | --- | Allsvenskan Norra | --- |
Floorball | Results Denmark | Denmark | UMBRO Liga Vest | 04/10/23 |
Floorball | Denmark | --- | UNIHOC Ligaen | --- |
Floorball | Denmark | --- | UMBRO Liga Ost | 04/10/23 |
Floorball | Denmark | --- | UMBRO Liga Playoffs | 14/04/24 |
Floorball | Results Norway | Norway | Eliteserien | --- |
Floorball | Norway | --- | Eliteserien Women | 17/03/24 |
Floorball | Norway | --- | Eliteserien Women Playoffs Part B | --- |
Floorball | Norway | --- | Eliteserien Women Playoffs Part A | --- |
Floorball | Norway | --- | Eliteserien Women Playoffs | 20/04/24 |
Floorball | Norway | --- | Eliteserien Playoffs | 20/04/24 |
Floorball | Results Finland | Finland | 2-Divisioona Kakkois-Suomi Playoffs | 23/03/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | Naisten Salibandyliiga Playoffs | 14/04/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | Miesten Salibandyliiga Playouts | --- |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 2-Divisioona Etela-Suomi Playoffs | --- |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 1-Divisioona Divari | 28/09/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 2-Division Pohjois-Suomi | 05/01/25 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 2-Division Savo-Karjala Playoffs | 15/03/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 2-Divisioona Lansirannikko Playoffs | 26/03/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 2-Division Sira Suomi Playoffs | 24/03/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | Miesten Salibandyliiga | --- |
Floorball | Finland | --- | Miesten Salibandyliiga Playoffs | 27/04/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | Naisten Salibandyliiga | --- |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 1-Divisioona Divari Playoffs | 05/04/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 2-Divisioona Etela-Suomi 1 | 08/12/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 2-Division Sira Suomi | 22/09/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 2-Division Savo-Karjala | 29/09/23 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 2-Divisioona Pohjanmaa | 22/09/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | Nuorten SM Sarja Pasm Playoffs | --- |
Floorball | Finland | --- | Nuorten SM Sarja Pasm | --- |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 2-Divisioona Etela-Suomi 2 | 22/09/24 |
Floorball | Finland | --- | 2-Divisioona Lansirannikko | 21/09/24 |