Basketball Results

Current sports results of all leagues and tournaments in Basketball Results.

The results overview is sorted by league and country, world cup, european cups and other tournaments
The Standings for running games of Basketball matches you will find in the live Scores or in Basketball live Ticker.
Category Basketball Results includes a search function for special games: Basketball Games,
You may also search for older results: Basketball 72h and Basketball 48h and Basketball 3 Days and Basketball 4 Days
Other leagues and tournaments in alphabetic order : Basketball Results Overview

More Basketball Livescores and Scores to other Leagues in our Liveticker.

Date : 02/2025

Sport Country Country search League newest Result
Basketball Results Sweden Sweden Basketligan 09/02/24
Basketball Sweden --- Basketligan A2 ---
Basketball Sweden --- Basketligan Playoff 18/05/24
Basketball Sweden --- Basketligan Pool A1 ---
Basketball Sweden --- Basketligan Pool A2 ---
Basketball Sweden --- Damligan ---
Basketball Sweden --- Damligan Play-offs 28/04/24
Basketball Sweden --- Basketettan Norra Damer ---
Basketball Sweden --- Basketettan Norra 29/09/24
Basketball Sweden --- Basketettan Södra Damer ---
Basketball Sweden --- Basketettan Södra 26/01/25
Basketball Sweden --- Basketettan Norra Fortsattningsserien ---
Basketball Sweden --- Basketettan Soedra Fortsattningsserien ---
Basketball Sweden --- Norra Damer Fortsattningsserien ---
Basketball Sweden --- Soedra Damer Fortsattningsserien ---
Basketball Sweden --- Damligan Playout ---
Basketball Results Italy Italy Basketball Serie A ---
Basketball Italy --- Basketball Serie A Playoff 13/06/24
Basketball Italy --- TIM Cup 18/02/24
Basketball Italy --- DUE Lega ---
Basketball Italy --- DUE Lega Play Offs ---
Basketball Italy --- Legadue Gold ---
Basketball Italy --- Legadue Silver ---
Basketball Italy --- Legadue Gold Playoffs ---
Basketball Italy --- Legadue Silver Playoffs ---
Basketball Italy --- Seria A2 East ---
Basketball Italy --- Seria A2 West ---
Basketball Italy --- Seria A2 Playoffs 12/06/24
Basketball Italy --- Seria A2 Playouts 15/05/24
Basketball Italy --- Serie A1 Women 14/01/24
Basketball Italy --- Serie A1 Women Play offs 21/05/24
Basketball Italy --- Serie A1 Women Play out 15/05/24
Basketball Results Spain Spain ACB ---
Basketball Spain --- ACB Play Offs 12/06/24
Basketball Spain --- Copa del Ray 18/02/24
Basketball Spain --- Adecco Oro ---
Basketball Spain --- Adecco Oro Playoffs 09/06/24
Basketball Spain --- Liga Femenina ---
Basketball Spain --- Liga Femenina Playoffs 12/05/24
Basketball Results France France LFB ---

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