Current sports results of all leagues and tournaments in Baseball Results.
The results overview is sorted by league and country, world cup, european cups and other tournaments
The Standings for running games of Baseball matches you will find in the live Scores or in Baseball live Ticker.
Category Baseball Results includes a search function for special games: Baseball Games,
You may also search for older results: Baseball 72h and Baseball 48h and Baseball 3 Days and Baseball 4 Days
Other leagues and tournaments in alphabetic order : Baseball Results Overview
More Baseball Livescores and Scores to other Leagues in our Liveticker.
Date : 02/2025
Sport | Country | Country search | League | newest Result |
Baseball | Results Germany | Germany | 1. Bundesliga Playoffs | 21/09/24 |
Baseball | Germany | --- | 1. Bundesliga South | 20/07/24 |
Baseball | Germany | --- | 1. Bundesliga North | 21/07/24 |
Baseball | Germany | --- | 1. Bundesliga Playouts | 10/08/24 |
Baseball | Results Finland | Finland | Ykkoespesis Qualifiers | 18/08/24 |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Naisten Superpesis | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Suomensarja Laensi | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Naisten Superpesis Playoffs | 07/09/24 |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Suomensarja Laensi Playoffs | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Suomensarja Itae | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Suomensarja Etelae | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Ykkoespesis | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Superpesis Qualifizierung | 06/09/24 |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Suomensarja Pohjoinen Playoffs | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Suomensarja Pohjoinen | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Suomensarja Itae Playoffs | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Ykkoespesis Playoffs | 27/08/24 |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Suomensarja Playoffs | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Superpesis | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Naisten Halli-SM | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Superpesis Play Offs | 14/09/24 |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Miesten Halli-SM | --- |
Baseball | Finland | --- | Suomensarja Etelae Playoffs | --- |
Baseball | Results United States | United States | MLB Pre Season | 24/03/24 |
Baseball | United States | --- | MLB | 02/06/24 |
Baseball | United States | --- | MLB Playoffs | 30/10/24 |
Baseball | United States | --- | MLB All Stars | --- |
Baseball | Results International | International | World Baseball Classic - Round 2 Pool 2 | --- |
Baseball | International | --- | World Baseball Classic Qualifiers | --- |
Baseball | International | --- | WBSC Premier12 Pro | --- |
Baseball | International | --- | World Baseball Classic - Pool B | --- |
Baseball | International | --- | World Baseball Classic - Final | --- |
Baseball | International | --- | World Baseball Classic - Pool A | --- |
Baseball | International | --- | World Baseball Classic - Semifinal | --- |
Baseball | International | --- | World Baseball Classic - Pool C | --- |
Baseball | International | --- | World Baseball Classic - Pool D | --- |
Baseball | International | --- | World Baseball Classic - Round 2 Pool 1 | --- |
Baseball | Results Mexico | Mexico | 1st Play Off | 10/09/24 |
Baseball | Mexico | --- | Final Series | --- |
Baseball | Mexico | --- | LMB | 18/07/24 |